Memory Café – Daylesford Crossing
Select a Date to Join Us!
Thursday, September 19 at 2pm (Games Through Generations)
Make a Connection at Daylesford Crossing!
Our Memory Café offers a relaxed, informal, and supportive environment for those who are living with dementia or memory issues, as well as their loved ones and caregivers.
Those who attend may share their experiences and develop friendships with others on a similar journey. We provide dementia-friendly activities and offer educational resources, information, support, and advice. Activities vary each month.
RSVPs preferred. Walk-ins welcome. Complete the form below to RSVP or call 484-323-0111.
Want to tour our Memory Care Connections neighborhood before our next Memory Café?
No problem. Complete the form and choose ‘schedule a memory care tour’ and a sales counselor will contact you directly.
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