Job Opportunities

Bring your heart for seniors and your spirit for teamwork to SageLife

Want to join the SageLife team?

Imagine a career that lets you enliven a senior’s life every day — just by walking into a room, offering a helping hand or lending an ear to hear a good tale. Sound like you? Then welcome to SageLife.

Here, we believe it’s important for our team members to be as happy as our residents. That’s why we offer:

  • A competitive compensation and benefits package
  • Ongoing, professional training
  • A 401K plan
  • Tuition assistance

And we’re always ready to help guide you on your personal career path. Because when it comes to your success and our residents’ satisfaction, we care.


Work as a Team

Exceptional Service Always

Commitment to the Sage Community

Anticipate Residents’ Needs

Respect for Residents, their Families and Each Other

Exercise Common Sense

Our team works hard to create the best home for each member of the SageLife family every day by encouraging, empowering and celebrating successful aging. The programs, enrichment offerings and care we provide in our supportive settings guide everything we do to help our residents experience life their way.

We look forward to making your dream job come true — so you can experience the power of making a difference.

Great Place to Work - April 2023 / April 2024

Great Place to Work® Certified

SageLife is proud to be certified as a Great Place to Work® organization for five consecutive years.

SageLife provides an environment which includes avenues for individual growth, development, and success and believes that inspiring happy, motivated teams is the key to achieving remarkable results. We strive to create a culture where every individual can reach their true potential, which was once-again captured in a survey administered by Great Place to Work®, an independent research and consulting firm. The certification process involved surveying 100% of employees from across locations and evaluating more than 60 elements of team members’ experience on the job. These included employee pride in the organization’s community impact, the belief that their work makes a difference, and feeling their work has special meaning. Rankings are based on employees’ experiences, no matter who they are or what they do.

We’re thrilled to receive this recognition for being a great place to work, and invite you to start your professional journey with our team.


1489 Baltimore Pike
Suite 226
Springfield, PA 19064
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Assisted Living, Independent Living, Personal Care
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