Order our complimentary booklet on dementia care!

Understanding Dementia: The Positive Approach® to Care

Dementia in all its forms follows a very individual path. Artisan at Hudson uses The Positive Approach® to Care, developed by internationally acclaimed dementia expert Teepa Snow. It recognizes a person’s ever-changing abilities so expectations can be adjusted and the most appropriate care given.

We published a booklet that helps uncloud the mystery surrounding dementia: Understanding Dementia: Positive Approach® to Care and the GEMS™ Brain Change Model. It explains a classification model, GEMS, that helps identify a person’s changing abilities. Unlike other models, GEMS recognizes that the dementia journey is not a straight line.

Gemstones show their best characteristics in the right setting and so do people. Rather than focusing on what is lost, seeing each person as unique and capable at every stage encourages partnership and is at the core of the Positive Approach® to Care.

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